Planning a traditional funeral can extend beyond arranging a service. If the deceased is going to be buried, families must choose a cemetery and memorial to mark the grave. Many funeral homes work with a trusted local Memorial Designer and refer clients to them. These experts are often craftsmen who represent generations of stone artisans. They are familiar with local cemetery rules and regulations, which allows them to guide clients’ choices. Staff members are compassionate and sensitive to mourners’ feelings and they strive to find solutions that fit customers’ budgets and tastes.
Elegant Headstones Memorialize Lives
Most graves are marked by headstones etched with information about the person buried in the plot. Headstones sit at the head of graves and may memorialize a single person as well as two or more. Each marker is created from a specially selected piece of stone, usually granite. Stone is cut and polished. Craftsmen can add the lettering, symbols, and even images selected by clients.
Simple Grave Markers Can Be Customized
Once clients have selected a cemetery, monument designers advise them of any grave stone restrictions. For example, it is becoming common for cemeteries to restrict stones to flush markers. That simplifies maintenance and creates an elegant, consistent expanse. Although grave markers are smaller than headstones, memorial experts can make them quite beautiful. Grave markers are usually created from granite and clients can choose any type or color they want. Like other memorials, they can contain illustrations, faces, dates, and anything else that speaks to the life of the deceased.
Upright Monuments Are Stately and Graceful
Many families choose upright monuments that have an elegant appearance and allow for more creative expression. When clients’ chosen cemeteries allow upright stones, they can opt for designs that are works of art. Monuments include polished granite slabs standing upright on bases. Like headstones, some include basic information, while others are designed to reflect the deceased person’s hobbies, passions, character, and even sense of humor.
Families rely on monument designers to help them choose the best grave stones for their needs and budgets. Experts offer headstones, markers, and upright memorials that can each be customized with text, images, and symbols.