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Why You Need The Gospel Of Christ

If you are a believer of the bible and Jesus Christ, you already know the peculiarity of our calling as followers of Jesus Christ. If you are curious about the bible, Jesus and Christianity and not a Christian yet, you are also the right person to learn why you need the Gospel of Christ. We need to read and hear the gospel every day and discover the biblical principles for us to lead a purpose-filled life that inspires others to come to Christ. The gospel is about the life, death, and resurrection of Christ and our place in this divine story. We broke ranks with a just God in the Garden of Eden and His image in us was distorted with sin. We no longer have the image of God and that troubled a loving yet a just Creator. Our sins had to be paid by death as God had promised Adam and Eve that the day they would eat from the tree in the center of the garden, they would surely die.

Before the coming of Christ, we have been dead spiritually, and there had to be a divine atonement to take us back to God. God found His son the perfect sacrifice to pay for all the sins of humanity. Jesus lived a perfect life and was without blemish or sin, and God found Him a worthy sacrifice to redeem us all. Jesus took our deserved place on the cross and was crucified on our behalf. On the third day, Christ was raised to life, and all those who believe are now reconciled with God by faith. The salvation story and the centrality of the name of Jesus is the gospel. The good news never grows old. It is a constant encouragement that there is hope after all is said and done here on earth.

We need the gospel of Christ every day to overcome our human pride. Christians all over the world are tempted to be proud and try to justify ourselves by our good deeds. You may be consistent in obeying God for some days, and you might feel like you deserve the grace of God. Such thoughts make us proud, and we lower God’s standards in our minds. That can drive us to feel some self-sufficiency. To get this straight, we can never repay God for the perfect sacrifice of Christ on the cross no matter how hard we work to please Him.

God paid our sins by sending His son to die on our behalf while we were sinners. We were still enemies of God when this happened and whatever we do when we have accepted Christ is out of love and reverence for God for executing such a perfect and flawless redemption plan. When we read and hear the gospel every day, we understand these truths, and we become humble servants of God. Good works are necessary but not as a way of earning the salvation but as a reciprocation of God’s love and the gift of salvation that has come through Christ Jesus and Him crucified.

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